Former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva after being released from prison gave a speech and was cheered by thousands of his supporters in front of the ABC Metalworkers Union during an event organized by the Homeless Workers Movement and the Povo Sem Medo (Fearless People) Movement in São Bernardo do Campo, November 09, 2019.

COIAB 2019
In September 2019, the 12th Ordinary Assembly of COIAB (Coordination of Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon) took place in the city of Santo Antônio do Iça, Amazonia, where 300 indigenous leaders gathered to reaffirm the 519 years of resistance in the struggle to ensure and strengthen the rights to their territories and the right to preserve their cultures. This event takes place every two years.

ATL 2019
The ATL (Free Land Camp) is the largest indigenous meeting of the world and in 2019 it happened for the 15th time. Around 4 thousand of indigenous from 26 states were present in Brasilia to promote discussions, demonstrations and ritual wheels during three consecutive days (April 24, 25 and 26).

The worst social environmental tragedy of Brazilian history was the mining dam collapse from Vale S.A. (the world’s largest iron ore producer) that poured its mud on the residents of Brumadinho and also killed the Rio Paraopeba, January 24, 2019.
These photographs are the registers of ten consecutive days in the regions affected by the disaster (01/26 to 02/02 of 2019).